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Car Hail Damage Repair In Birmingham, AL

Chevy Hail Damage Repair

When it comes to protecting your car, hail damage can be a setback, but luckily, there are plenty of professional services available in Birmingham, AL, to treat it. Hailstorms are fairly common in Alabama; even the most conscientious drivers can be caught off guard. When icy pellets strike, get under shelter if you can. If your car can't be spared, seek out a service center that is qualified to reverse the damage.

Hail dents can be an eyesore, but it also affects your car's resale value and can compromise its structural integrity if the problems are left unaddressed. Keep reading for a snapshot of what to expect from hailstorm damage and how to handle this curveball effectively.

What to Expect From Car Hail Damage

The most obvious sign your vehicle has suffered hail damage is small dents on its surface. Usually, those marks are minor and won't affect your paint job. However, in many cases, a little bit of paint might have been chipped off upon impact.

If the imperfections are tiny, you might be tempted to ignore them. We're here to tell you that even the smallest nicks can cause flaking and chipping over time, leading to a bigger headache down the road. Glass, mirror, or headlight cracks are also common after hail damage and can make driving unsafe for you and your passengers. A consultation with a trained specialist at our auto body shop is the best way forward.

Are There Any "DIY" Hail Damage Repair Tricks?

We don't recommend attempting hail damage repair at home. Although it might be tempting to avoid the hassle and cost of bringing your car in for service, keep in mind that tips and tricks for fixing hail damage can sometimes lead to more extensive – and expensive – issues down the road. Plus, there is no "one size fits all" solution for hail damage; our Step One Chevrolet technicians are trained to identify the best tools and techniques for each job.

For example, if the factory finish on your car body is intact, paintless dent repair is your best option. Cost-effective and quick, PDR does not require color matching or the time and energy that goes into a paint touch-up. If a more intensive repair is needed to restore your car after a hailstorm, lean on our certified Chevy body shop to get the job done right the first time.

How Much Does Hail Damage Repair Cost?

Step One Chevrolet is in the business of providing exceptional Chevy care at a fair price. While working with your insurance provider or directly with you, we will do our best to provide fair pricing that mirrors the value and quality of our services. Our skilled technicians are committed to integrity and transparency and will keep you informed throughout the repair.

Visiting Step One Chevrolet for routine maintenance? Ask our team how to use one of our Chevy service coupons toward your next appointment. Whether for routine maintenance or a more intensive endeavor like fixing hail damage, we strive to help you save every time you step into one of our facilities in Birmingham, AL.

Find Top-Notch Hail Damage Auto Repair in Birmingham, AL

Exposure to an unexpected hailstorm doesn't feel like the end of the world when you have a reliable service center on speed dial. Giving Step One Chevrolet a call is the first step toward removing scrapes, dents, and cracked glass. Schedule hail damage repair, and before you know it, we'll restore your vehicle to its pristine condition.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is hail damage on cars?

Since hail is essentially frozen raindrops, small dents are the most common form of damage we see in our shop. Hail can also displace paint on your car body or, in extreme cases, crack glass windows and side mirrors. Don't panic if your vehicle falls victim to a hailstorm; in almost every case, a professional can smooth over this type of damage.

How can I fix the hail damage on my car?

If your car is hit with hail, we do not recommend attempting to fix the damage yourself. There are advanced processes, tools, and materials that go into fixing hail damage. Reach out to Step One Chevrolet in Birmingham, AL, and our friendly and knowledgeable professionals will assess the damage and present you with the best possible options for reversing it, which may include paintless dent repair.

Does car insurance cover hail damage?

Certain comprehensive insurance plans cover car hail damage, but we recommend double-checking with your provider. If you're dealing with dents or cracked glass after a hailstorm, Step One Chevrolet can coordinate with your insurance company directly to facilitate coverage if you have it. Whether you have hail damage insurance or not, our team will work hard to make your model look as good as new.

Step One Chevrolet is located at: 4990 Premiere Pkwy • Bessemer, AL 35022


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